Loan Servicing

Your servicing system should allow you to speed to market with new loan programs. Your servicing system should provide the flexibility needed to service diverse loan programs. It should be reliable and easy to learn and use.

STAR, our loan servicing solution, is a customizable and reliable loan servicing solution that enables clients to effectively and efficiently manage and service unsecured loan portfolios. Our process-centered approach increases collaboration, accountability, and goal alignment while managing risk.

With STAR, you can:

  • Give borrowers access to online account features, including the ability to make payments and review loan statements
  • Support consumer loans, refinance loans, school certified loans, and more
  • Minimize setup time with custom configuration
  • Customize your loan program to fit diverse customer bases, specific loan features, and white label branding
  • Take control with scalable permission and access levels
  • Stay CommonLine compliant 
  • Customize content to reflect your brand